Chord Signature zworki - salony w KATOWI...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Signature zworki - 4 sztuki Urządzenie objęte gwarancją, realizowaną w systemie door-to-door przez autoryzowany centralny serwis...
Chord Signature Subwoofer - salony w KA...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Signature - kabel subwooferowy Inne długości kabla na zamówienie. Urządzenie objęte gwarancją, realizowaną w systemie door-to-door przez autoryzowany centralny serwis...
Chord Signature Stream - salony w KATOWI...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Signature Stream - kabel - streaming The Signature Super ARAY streaming cable is a direct development of the Epic Streaming cable. The same high precision RJ45 connector with gold-plated contacts and soldered conductors is used along with the unique hard skin insulation. Compare the two cables though and you’ll hear what happens when heavier gauge silver-plated conductors are fitted, relative spacing of the conductors is changed and a more effective shielding system is used. The other big change is the switch from the Tuned ARAY conductor geometry to the Super ARAY conductor geometry that we developed for specifically for streaming cables. The problem with streaming audio can often be the length and the number of Ethernet cables involved in the process. Re-siting NAS drives isn’t always possible and Ethernet over mains is sometimes being used. The development of Tuned and then Super ARAY conductor geometries were driven by...
Chord Signature Reference - salony w KAT...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Signature Reference - kabel głośnikowy konfekcjonowany Signature speaker cable was our first ever shielded speaker cable; it was also the biggest, stiffest, brightest cable we’d ever made. The conductors were oxygen free copper, the insulation was gas foamed Polyethylene, Shielding was a three layer braid and foil combination effective to high frequencies and the outer jacket a flexible polyethylene. It was flexible – just – enough to fit into a system. Signature speaker cable was another product that didn’t need a press release or a review, it took off so fast by word of mouth that for a while there was almost a permanent waiting list. Signature speaker cable remained unchanged for about ten years, There was something specially musical about it, just a little colouration, not quite accurate but very rock and roll, very cool. The time came though when we knew we could use more efficient shielding, we knew that silver-plated con...
Chord Signature RCA - salony w KATOWICAC...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Signature - 2 RCA na 2 RCA Inne długości kabli na zamówienie. Urządzenie objęte gwarancją, realizowaną w systemie door-to-door przez autoryzowany centralny serwis...
Chord Signature Power Cord - salony w KA...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Signature Power Cord - kabel zasilający Our first venture into the controversial world of power cables for use with hi fi systems began with the Chord Power Chord. With the knowledge we’d gained from the development of high frequency effective shielding we were final able to produce a power cable that was consistent in it performance from system to system. The shielding was the easy bit; we learnt an awful lot more of strange things in the development process. When the Sarum came along we developed the Sarum power cable, which went from Sarum to Sarum Tuned ARAY and from Tuned to ARAY to becoming the first Super ARAY cable we produced – when we first installed a Super ARAY power Chord we were truly shocked at the way the silence between notes became so profound. Real silence and it added so much to the musical experience. While this was happening we were also for the first time using UK mains and IEC plugs of our own design....
Chord Signature DIN - salony w KATOWICAC...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Signature DIN The original Signature interconnect was designed as an RCA cable, and was impossible to terminate with a DIN connection. That didn’t stop people using the Signature with DIN to RCA adaptors. So when the chance came to redesign the cable to produce the Tuned ARAY version we made certain that the cable we designed would be able to be fitted with a RCA, XLR and DIN connectors. There are audio companies that take enormous pride in the ability of systems to play music with the rhythm, groove and soul intact. Sarum Tuned ARAY DIN cables became so popular because they revealed just how well these components bought music to life. They also showed just how musically revealing and subtly detailed the DIN socket equipment really was and how well they produced a big and believable sound stage. A big system connected with Sarum Tuned ARAY DIN cables was spectacular and the Signature Tuned ARAY brings the same improvements to th...
Chord Signature Digital - salony w KATOW...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Signature Digital - kabel cyfrowy If you’re lucky enough to own almost any of the new generation of mid-price DACs that are around then the Signature Digital would be a very good cable to sit down and listen to. The Signature Super ARAY Digital uses the same Super ARAY conductor geometry as Sarum Super ARAY and our flagship ChordMusic digital cables; it replaces the previous Signature Tuned ARAY. There is good reason for this upgrade; there are so many mid-price digital sources and DACs that perform with a coherence and cohesion that a few years ago was barely achievable with high end products. The Super ARAY conductor configuration will let you just how musical they can be and it will also reveal the extraordinary level of detail they are capable of as well. Just in case you thinking that this applies to high resolution, it doesn’t. Almost all our listening is done with CD or CD quality rips and that’s what makes it so ex...
Chord Signature XLR- salony w KATOWICAC...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Signature - interkonekt audio zbalansowany XLR Tuned ARAY to nowoczesne kable wnoszące nowy poziom spójności, detaliczności oraz szerokiego spektrum dźwiękowego. Przewodnik z posrebrzanej miedzi beztlenowej (wielożyłowy), izolacja politetrafluoroetylenowa PTFE, budowa pseudozbalansowana Tuned ARAY, wysokiej jakości podwójne ekranowanie, zewnętrzny płaszcz tłumiący wibracje. Inne długości kabli na zamówienie. Urządzenie objęte gwarancją, realizowaną w systemie door-to-door przez autoryzowany centralny serwis...
Chord Shawline XLR - salony w KATOWICACH...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Shawline XLR - interconnect audio The challenge with producing the Shawline Analogue is that all Tuned ARAY cables require a high degree of precision that can only be achieved with painstaking hand assembly. The Shawline is built from PTFE insulated silver-plated conductors and use a composite shielding material that works over a wide bandwidth and also reduces mechanical noise. The cable is assembled within a flexible plastic tube chosen to further reduce mechanical noise and a protective outer braid is fitted. One of the upsides of hand assembly though is that it allows us to adapt designs to suit the terminations. If we’re going to build the best Shawline Analogue XLR cable we can, we need to introduce another conductor. So the Shawline Analogue build process allows us to introduce another identical conductor run to produce the perfect XLR configuration. That means three identical conductors for all three connections. ...
Chord Shawline Subwoofer - salony w KAT...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Shawline - kabel subwooferowy Shawline Analogue subwoofer cable Available in 3m, 5m and custom lengths/terminations to order. New Tuned ARAY conductor geometry – carries a musical signal with a high degree of coherence and detail. Silver-plated conductors with PTFE insulation and high frequency effective carbon composite shield. Built by hand at The Chord Company. Fitted with Chord VEE 3 direct silver-plated RCA plugs. Tuned ARAY conductor geometry was originally developed for our flagship Sarum cable range. Inne długości kabla na zamówienie. Urządzenie objęte gwarancją, realizowaną w systemie door-to-door przez autoryzowany centralny serwis...
Chord Shawline RCA - salony w KATOWICACH...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Shawline - 2 RCA na 2 RCA The first Tuned ARAY cables were developed using our then flagship Sarum cable range. The Shawline analogue cables use the same Tuned ARAY conductor geometry to produce a ground breaking cable. All Tuned ARAY cables have an extraordinary degree of musical transparency and the Shawline Analogue transforms the performance of the new breed of DACs, CD players and Streamers that deliver so much performance at very affordable prices. The challenge with producing the Shawline Analogue is that all Tuned ARAY cables require a high degree of precision that can only be achieved with painstaking hand assembly. The Shawline is built from PTFE insulated silver-plated conductors and use a composite shielding material that works over a wide bandwidth and also reduces mechanical noise. The cable is assembled within a flexible plastic tube chosen to further reduce mechanical noise and a protective outer braid is fitt...
Chord Shawline Power Cord - salony w KAT...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** ChordShawline Power Cord - kabel zasilający Specyfikacja: Inne długości kabla na zamówienie. Urządzenie objęte gwarancją, realizowaną w systemie door-to-door przez autoryzowany centralny serwis...
Chord Shawline DIN - salony w KATOWICACH...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Shawline DIN When we first launched the Chord Sarum Tuned ARAY the biggest response came from Naim Audio users. The musical transparency, the ability of the Tuned ARAY design to carry a musical signal with such coherence, the extraordinary reduction of interference and the consequent drop of the noise floor allowed Naim users to hear just how very good the systems they owned really were. These weren’t small differences either they were profound. So when we first sat and thought about using the Tuned ARAY conductor configuration on the Shawline analogue we know we had to be able to produce DIN to DIN and DIN to RCA versions. We’d heard what the Sarum and Signature Tuned ARAY cables did with smaller Naim systems. It was amazing, but expecting someone to spend more than the cost of their amplifier on a cable regardless of how good it sounded wasn’t – with a few exceptions – going to happen. The challenge with producing the Shawlin...
Chord Shawline Digital - salony w KATOWI...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Shawline Digital - kabel cyfrowy Digital cables are all the same? They’re not and it doesn’t take much listening to hear that. Detail is great but there’s not much point in hearing everything the bass player and drummer are doing if they’re not doing it together – that’s coherence and that’s what a Shawline Digital can bring to your system. The Shawline Digital uses an ARAY conductor configuration that immediately makes it very different to most other digital cables. Just for a start – and like our other digital cables it uses identical conductors for the signal and the return, and there’s an ARAY conductor as well. The Shawline Digital uses silver-plated PTFE insulated conductors and they’re surrounded by a dual layer high density braid and foil shield to minimise high frequency interference. The design is very influenced by the high end digital cables that we developed, particularly by the degree of musical coherence the...
Chord Shawline - salony w KATOWICACH i T...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Shawline - kabel głośnikowy konfekcjonowany The Shawline speaker cable uses the same conductors that we’ve produced Chord Rumour with for the past 20 years. The conductors are silver-plated, insulated with PTFE and arranged in a twisted pair configuration To produce Chord Shawline we’ve taken the conductor layout, added a specially chosen PVC internal jacket to reduce mechanical noise, before applying the same high density dual-layer foil and braid shield that we use on Chord Epic. Rumour has been part of our range for so long because of its performance. It’s a speaker cable that is extremely neutral, capable of carrying high levels of detail and dynamic information – and because of this, it will carry music in an extremely coherent manner. In other words, your music sounds more like it should. Shawline takes this as a starting point and refines it. The whole reason for using high frequency effective shielding is that by r...
Chord Sarum zworki - salony w KATOWICACH...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Sarum zworki - 2 sztuki Urządzenie objęte gwarancją, realizowaną w systemie door-to-door przez autoryzowany centralny serwis...
Chord Sarum XLR - salony w KATOWICACH i ...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Sarum - 2 XLR na 2 XLR Inne długości kabli na zamówienie. Urządzenie objęte gwarancją, realizowaną w systemie door-to-door przez autoryzowany centralny serwis ...
Chord Sarum Stream - salony w KATOWICACH...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Sarum Stream - kabel - streaming The Sarum Super ARAY streaming cable is built from the same materials as our other Sarum cables. The oxygen-free copper conductors are micro-polished prior to being heavily silver plated. The insulation is gas foamed PTFE and the shielding the most efficient we have yet used. The RJ45 connectors are the same ones we use on our Epic Tuned ARAY and Signature Super ARAY streaming cables and like those cables, each conductor that makes up the Sarum Super ARAY streaming cable is soldered rather than clamped. During the development process we experimented with different gauges of conductors and conductor configurations. We were streaming A Sky of Honey by Kate Bush and there was a beautiful piece of piano playing. With the final cable prototype connected from the switch to the streamer, the piano came alive. Kate was playing single notes and suddenly each note began, grew, blossomed and then dec...
Chord Sarum RCA - salony w KATOWICACH i ...
**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów CHORD **** Chord Sarum - 2 RCA na 2 RCA Inne długości kabli na zamówienie. Urządzenie objęte gwarancją, realizowaną w systemie door-to-door przez autoryzowany centralny serwis...