Przetworniki DAC

Pro-Ject Head Box S2 Digital - salony w Katowicach i Toruniu zapraszają - kupuj u najlepszych!

Pro-Ject Head Box S2 Digital - salony w ...

**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów PRO - JECT**** Pro-Ject Head Box S2 Digital - wzmacniacz słuchawkowy     Headphone amplifier and DAC with 32bit and DSD256 support High performance DAC and headphone amplifier Head Box S2 Digital comes fully equipped for the highest demands of the modern audiophile. It supports playback for PCM files up to 32bit / 768kHz and DSD decoding up to quad DSD (DSD256). Head Box S2 Digital also comes with five digital filters for soundshaping to the listeners preferences. Three digital inputs ensure to connect to any source available, be it a personal computer via the USB B input or a TV set via the optical input. The coaxial S/PDIF input takes all data from a digital transport such as the CD Box DS2 T. All inputs offer support for high resolution data up to 24bit /192kHz. The USB input offers full high resolution support for all files up to PCM 32/768 and DSD256. The front seated 6.35mm headphone output delivers a clean and precise sound with a m...

1 620,00 zł
Pro-Ject DAC Box S2+  - salony w Katowicach i Toruniu zapraszają - kupuj u najlepszych!

Pro-Ject DAC Box S2+ - salony w Katowic...

**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów PRO - JECT **** Pro-Ject DAC Box S2+ -  przetwornik cyfrowo - analogowy   High End DAC with 32bit and DSD256 support miniature high quality digital to analogue converter! DAC Box S2 + comes fully equipped for the highest demands of the modern audiophile. It supports playback for PCM files up to 32bit / 768kHz and DSD decoding up to quad DSD (DSD256). DAC Box S2 + also comes with five digital filters for soundshaping to the listeners preferences. Three digital inputs ensure to connect to any source available, be it a personal computer via the asynchronous XMOS USB B input or a TV set via the optical input. The coaxial S/PDIF input takes all data from a digital transport such as the CD Box DS2 T. All inputs offer support for high resolution datas up to 24bit /192kHz. The USB input offers full high resolution support for all files up to PCM 32/768 and DSD256. Unwanted noise coming in through USB is double filtered to suppress them to a level ...

1 470,00 zł
Pro-Ject Bluetooth Box S2 - salony w Katowicach i Toruniu zapraszają - kupuj u najlepszych!

Pro-Ject Bluetooth Box S2 - salony w Kat...

**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów PRO - JECT **** Pro-Ject Bluetooth Box S2 - Audiophile aptX Bluetooth audio receiver  Audiophile aptX Bluetooth audio receiver Audiophile wireless streaming with ultimate output flexibility! Smartphones and tablet computers offer the possibility to stream music without wires using Bluetooth protocol. Bluetooth Box S2 is the best solution to use these wireless sources in your own hifi system. Not only standard SBC codecs are supported, but also audiophile aptX with almost CD-quality can be received. Pairing of mobile devices with Bluetooth Box S2 is done fast and playback works reliably within a distance up to 10m with direct visibility. Up to 8 different sources like smartphones and tablets are memorized. Analogue and digital connection to amplifier or external D/A converter is provided for ultimate flexibility.     Features Wireless music streaming with almost CD-quality Bluetooth 3.0 Supports aptX & SBC codecs Easy to ...

990,00 zł
Pro-Ject DAC Box DS2 Ultra  - salony w Katowicach i Toruniu zapraszają - kupuj u najlepszych!

Pro-Ject DAC Box DS2 Ultra - salony w K...

**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów PRO - JECT **** Pro-Ject DAC Box DS2 Ultra - przetwornik cyfrowo - analogowy Box DS2 ultra – mistrzowski przetwornik cyfrowo-analogowy . DAC Box DS2 ultra jest uniwersalnym przetwornikiem cyfrowo-analogowym najwyższej klasy. Wspiera w pełni format DSD256i upsampling wszystkich sygnałów wejściowych do 768kHz z USB, koaksjalnego i optycznego wejścia. To daje nam odtwarzaniew wysokiej rozdzielczości, bogate dźwiękowo z reprezentacyjnym basem i niskim zniekształceniem. To prawdziwa audiofilskaokazja.   Przetwornik AK4490 D/A chip (32-bit PCM 768kHz / DSD256) 6 wejść: 1x USB, 3x optical (TOSlink®), 2x coax (S/PDIF) Do 32bit/768kHz asynchroniczny USB (XMOS technology) DSD64, DSD128 & DSD256 (DSD over PCM) Audio Class 2 (USB 2.0 High Speed Do 24bit/192kHz dla optical & coax inputs 5 filtrów cyfrowych 3 tryby muzyczne Oddzielne zasilanie dla każdego stopnia z zaawan...

5 400,00 zł