Acoustic Zen Sylver Bytes Component- salony w KATOWICACH i TORUNIU zapraszają - kupuj u najlepszych!

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  • Net Price: 3,650.41 zł / szt. 4,490.00 zł / szt.

**** Autoryzowany dealer produktów ACOUSTIC ZEN ****

Acoustic Zen Sylver Bytes Component - D-5010R/B  - kabel cyfrowy - 1m

The Sliver Bytes Component (Red, Green, Blue—video) digital cable is a true 75-ohm impedance coaxial design consisting of 20 awg multiple-stranded zero-crystal silver and insulated with air-injected PE foam.

Both 100% copper foil and braid shielding prevent interferences on the complex harmonic digital waveform from EM and RF sources which would otherwise damage the video signal's color and resolution. This state-of-the-art design keeps and the 75-ohm characteristic impedance extremely constant at any given length.

The Silver Bytes produces a true-to-life soundstage with superior top-end extension and a harmonically-rich presentation throughout the entire mid-band. Bass is deep, powerful and dynamic. There is an expanded sense of air and space, as well as color and picture three-dimensionality.

Available in 2 meter length with RCA termination standard. Can be ordered to any length.




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