Chord Signature Power Cord - salony w KATOWICACH i TORUNIU zapraszają - kupuj u najlepszych!
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- Manufacturer: CHORD
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Price history
- szt.
- Net Price: 2,617.07 zł / szt. 3,219.00 zł / szt.
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Chord Signature Power Cord - kabel zasilający
Our first venture into the controversial world of power cables for use with hi fi systems began with the Chord Power Chord. With the knowledge we’d gained from the development of high frequency effective shielding we were final able to produce a power cable that was consistent in it performance from system to system. The shielding was the easy bit; we learnt an awful lot more of strange things in the development process. When the Sarum came along we developed the Sarum power cable, which went from Sarum to Sarum Tuned ARAY and from Tuned to ARAY to becoming the first Super ARAY cable we produced – when we first installed a Super ARAY power Chord we were truly shocked at the way the silence between notes became so profound. Real silence and it added so much to the musical experience.
While this was happening we were also for the first time using UK mains and IEC plugs of our own design. That was a really big deal. Heavily silver plated contacts and fitted with silicone damping to minimise vibration between the top and bottom section of the mains plug and more silver-plating on the IEC as well. From all of this came the Signature ARAY Power Cable. Fitted with Chord’s new silver-plated mains and IEC plugs and using an ARAY conductor configuration along with a dual layer shield featuring 95% coverage high density braid, fit a Signature ARAY Power Cable it’s easy to hear what’s suddenly missing. Noise! That lack of noise means more music and the more is all the really beautiful stuff as well. It’s the dying tones of piano notes, the real attack of a snare drum or the brittle aggression of a Fender Telecaster being played on its bridge pickup. Be it visceral of beautiful it adds so much to the musical experience and for anyone with a decent system, borrowing a Signature ARAY Power cable from your local retailer for the weekend and connecting to your source component is likely to be an enlightening experience. Why the source component? Because in if you reduce the interference entering the source component you’ll hear it through the whole system. That doesn’t mean that adding more won’t make things any better, it will. We regularly use our CD transport to demonstrate just what one power cable in a system can do and when the listener is in a suitable state or shock we add them to the rest of the system! We’re not making magic with power cables we’re just using an awful lot of experience to make cables that will makes your system sound more musical, so go have a listen.
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